10 Tips for Maximising Natural Light in Your Home

Everyone wants to live in a bright and airy home like we see on the TV and in magazines. But what if you live in a small space? What if moving isn’t an option?

Source: DTTSP

We recommend that you make the best of what you have.  Luckily there are LOTS of ways to easily maximise natural light in your home.  Here are 10 of our top tips:

1) Make use of mirrors

A large mirror is the interior decorator’s best friend.  When strategically positioned, they will bounce natural light around the room and open up small spaces.

Source: IKEA

Tip:  Avoid choosing a highly decorative, ornate frame in a dark colour.  Opt for simple frames in light tones, pastel colours, white or silver instead.

Short on space?  Ditch your traditional horizontal radiator and install one of these vertical radiator mirrors.  Aren’t they fab?

Source: Designer Radiator Showroom

2) Choose your colour scheme wisely

Use bright and pale tones to enhance the natural lighting in your home.

Source: DTTSP

3) Glass is the way to go

Swap thick heavy wooden tables for light and airy glass alternatives where possible.  If glass is not a practical choice for your home, look at white hi-gloss furniture instead.

Source: DTTSP

4) Give your windows the VIP treatment!

Some window treatments can disrupt natural light.  So, avoid weighty curtains and bulky blinds.  Opt for lightweight fabrics and brighter colours instead.

Source: IKEA

5) Clever ceilings

Light and bright ceilings are a quick and easy way to transform a room.  The typical rule is to paint your ceiling a shade or two lighter than your walls.

Source: Fortune Dlamini

6) Clean your windows!

You’d be surprised how dirty windows can get – inside and out!  A quick clean will ensure your windows can let in maximum natural light.

7) Keep your home clutter free

Clutter can physically block natural light from bouncing around your room, plus it’s not aesthetically pleasing.  Keep clutter to a minimum by throwing away or recycling anything you’ve not used in years.  Then find homes for everything else (good storage can go a long way!)

Source: DTTSP

6) Transoms and fanlights

If you have planned to buy a new front door, consider have a transom or fanlight installed too (transoms are the little glass rectangles that go above doors).

7) There’s no obstacle too large!

Turn your attention to the outside of your home and look for large obstacles that may block the light.  Can you remove them?

If you have huge hedge, consider giving it a trim.  If your garden wall is large and imposing, can it be painted a lighter, friendlier colour?

8) Move furniture around

Experiment with your furniture to see how light bounces around the room.  A large white wardrobe placed directly opposite a window will work like a reflector.  While an imposing mahogany bookcase placed next to a window will have the opposite effect.   It will block the light and cast shadows around the room.

Source: Unsplash

9) New interior doors

This isn’t a budget-friendly option, so add to your “to-do someday” list:  replace all of your solid panelled interior doors to doors with glazed panels.

10) Banish dark carpets / dark wood

Dark carpets and dark wooden floors can feel heavy.  Lighter colours won’t absorb so much light, so they’ll make the room feel much brighter.

Source: DTTSP