Tag: Flooring
Choosing the Right Kind of Flooring for Your Home
Which flooring would best suit your home, style and needs?
Why Engineered Flooring is the Best Choice for Your Home.
When looking for new flooring, whether part of a new build or a renovation, it is important to know which floor would be best for your unique requirements.
How Polished Concrete Flooring Can Help Achieve The Minimalist Look
If you are looking to create a minimalist interior, you will be looking for what are considered to be the essence of interior modern design.
How To Get A Stylish, Yet Kid-Friendly Living Room
The words “kid-friendly” and “stylish” may be difficult to mesh together when describing a living room space that’s built to outlast energetic and curious youngsters.
What Are The Finishing Options Available For Concrete Floors?
Concrete has not always enjoyed a good reputation – it has been known, for too long, as being grey, bland and industrial. Perfect for strength and robustness in construction, most modern buildings today have concrete at their heart.
What Type Of Floor Can You Have With Underfloor Heating?
If you’ve decided to fit underfloor heating, you are joining thousands of other people who are enjoying a gentle heat from right under their feet.